In this section you will find a lot of useful information about the PrompterPeople monitors.
Some information may help you to choose the right teleprompter monitor for you.

Standard Brightness monitor have 350-400 nits.

High Bright monitors have 1000 nits.

High brightness monitors, as the name already says, are much brighter than regular monitors (1000 nits instead of 400).

Where or to which purpose you are going to use the teleprompter is crucial for the monitor decision.
HB monitors are designed to be used outdoors, with direct sunlight, when you wouldn't see anything on a regular monitor. They are also useful in very brightly lit studios or stages.

Used in a dark or normally lit surrounding, it might cause problems to use a HB monitor. Such as the monitor reflecting in the glass. This can go so far that it is even visible on the camera recordings. This is only one of many problems that can occur.

If you are inconclusive about the monitor you can always contact us for advice.

Does the 32" monitor from Prompter People have a SDI connector? No, only HDMI and FBAS

Is there a High Brightness solution for the Q-Gear 32? No the Q-Gear 32 is only available in a 32" standard brightness version.

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